Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Another 2 for 1 Purina Animal Advice Show Recap!

This time it's The Perfect Dr. Laura Pletz who is providing the update of the most recent excellent episodes of your favorite show!

If you missed anything on the PURINA ANIMAL ADVICE SHOW on THE BIG 550 KTRS AM the last two Saturdays, then we have you covered.  In addition, we have a couple of pretty cool soundtracks for you provided by Joe Hipperson and The Perfect Dr. Laura Pletz.
Dr. Cloud (AKA THE MAN FROM ST ANN) enlightened us on 5/28/11 with the topic of thyroid disease in dog and cats.  He stressed that it is important to remember that the conditions that are seen in dogs in cats are opposites.  Dogs – HYPOthyroidism  and Cats – HYPERthyroidism.
Common Symptoms of Hypothryroidism:                                                                                                                                                               
poor coat                                                                                                                                                                                     
chronic skin and ear infections                                                                                                                                                 
weight gain                
Dr. Cloud also pointed out that when weight gain is the only symptom, it is RARE that Hypothyroidism is the cause.  They are most likely just taking in too many calories. 
Unfortunately, Dr. Cloud didn’t get a chance to cover many details about Hyperthyroidism in Cats (Joe was very disappointed by the way, since he LOVES cats so much), but as luck would have it we have more information coming on that topic from Dr. Pletz.
TRVIA QUESTION TIME!!!!                                                                                                                        THE MAN FROM ST ANN once again amazed us with his vast knowledge of all things animals.  Today, he asked:  What species of animal was responsible for saving a World War I Battalion?                                                 And, the answer is………PIGEON.
And last but not least, Joe Hipperson brought a very HIPP soundtrack for the show in celebration of Bob Dylan turning 70 on May 24.
Track 2:  CRY AWHILE
Track 3:  DON’T THINK TWICE, IT’S ALL RIGHT (this one is Joe Hipperson’s favorite, so you know it’s worth checking out)

On 6/4/11 The Perfect Dr. Laura Pletz filled us in on all the details of Hyperthyroidism in the Cat.  Joe was STOKED about the opportunity to talk about Cats for the Entire Hour!!!
Dr. Pletz pointed out that a Big clue that your cat may be hyperthyroid, is that they will have a RAVENOUS (a new Purina Animal Advice Show favorite word) appetite, yet they are still losing weight.  She also pointed out, with one of her classic phrases, that Hyperthyroid cats typically look like A BIG HOT MESS.  For those of you who don’t speak PLETZ, this means that they are extremely thin and have a very dry, matted coat.

Since this disease is diagnosed with blood tests and a urinalysis, it brought us back to a recurring theme here on The Purina Animal Advice Show; THE IMPORTANCE OF PREVENTATIVE CARE!!!  If you have your cat screened on an annual (maybe even twice yearly if they are over 10) basis with these tests, you are likely to pick up hyperthyroidism and many other ailments in their early stages.  And diagnosing any disease early ALWAYS leads to a more favorable prognosis. 

We also discussed that it is very common to see Kidney Disease concurrently with Hyperthyroidism.   The take home message here was that often times a more permanent treatment option (i.e. surgery or Radioactive Iodine therapy) may not be ideal for these patients because we may need to STRADDLE THE FENCE (yes, she did it again….).  This means that on occasion we may adjust the thyroid medication such that the thyroid level is slightly high, which will keep the kidneys functioning at a higher level.
PERFECT PLETZ TRIVIA TIME!!!!                                                                                                             New word today:  Polydactyl – as pertains to cats, it means to have extra toes.  Dr. Pletz wanted to know, “What famous author is most often associated with polydactyl cats?”  Hint:  His home is now a museum that houses around 50 cats, about half of whom are polydactyl.                                                        ANSWER:  Ernest Hemingway

Track 1:  Howl by FLORENCE AND THE MACHINE (Dr. Pletz seems to be approaching Hipperson Pearl Jam Mania level with Florence and the Machine, just sayin’)           
Track 2: You Don’t Own the Road by THE KILLS (Very cool track from their latest album Blood Pressures)                                                                                                 
Track 3:  Jawbreaker by THE DEAD WEATHER (Good Stuff!  Alison Mosshart provides the vocals for both THE DEAD WEATHER and THE KILLS. )                             

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