Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Another 2 for 1 Purina Animal Advice Show Recap!

This time it's The Perfect Dr. Laura Pletz who is providing the update of the most recent excellent episodes of your favorite show!

If you missed anything on the PURINA ANIMAL ADVICE SHOW on THE BIG 550 KTRS AM the last two Saturdays, then we have you covered.  In addition, we have a couple of pretty cool soundtracks for you provided by Joe Hipperson and The Perfect Dr. Laura Pletz.
Dr. Cloud (AKA THE MAN FROM ST ANN) enlightened us on 5/28/11 with the topic of thyroid disease in dog and cats.  He stressed that it is important to remember that the conditions that are seen in dogs in cats are opposites.  Dogs – HYPOthyroidism  and Cats – HYPERthyroidism.
Common Symptoms of Hypothryroidism:                                                                                                                                                               
poor coat                                                                                                                                                                                     
chronic skin and ear infections                                                                                                                                                 
weight gain                
Dr. Cloud also pointed out that when weight gain is the only symptom, it is RARE that Hypothyroidism is the cause.  They are most likely just taking in too many calories. 
Unfortunately, Dr. Cloud didn’t get a chance to cover many details about Hyperthyroidism in Cats (Joe was very disappointed by the way, since he LOVES cats so much), but as luck would have it we have more information coming on that topic from Dr. Pletz.
TRVIA QUESTION TIME!!!!                                                                                                                        THE MAN FROM ST ANN once again amazed us with his vast knowledge of all things animals.  Today, he asked:  What species of animal was responsible for saving a World War I Battalion?                                                 And, the answer is………PIGEON.
And last but not least, Joe Hipperson brought a very HIPP soundtrack for the show in celebration of Bob Dylan turning 70 on May 24.
Track 2:  CRY AWHILE
Track 3:  DON’T THINK TWICE, IT’S ALL RIGHT (this one is Joe Hipperson’s favorite, so you know it’s worth checking out)

On 6/4/11 The Perfect Dr. Laura Pletz filled us in on all the details of Hyperthyroidism in the Cat.  Joe was STOKED about the opportunity to talk about Cats for the Entire Hour!!!
Dr. Pletz pointed out that a Big clue that your cat may be hyperthyroid, is that they will have a RAVENOUS (a new Purina Animal Advice Show favorite word) appetite, yet they are still losing weight.  She also pointed out, with one of her classic phrases, that Hyperthyroid cats typically look like A BIG HOT MESS.  For those of you who don’t speak PLETZ, this means that they are extremely thin and have a very dry, matted coat.

Since this disease is diagnosed with blood tests and a urinalysis, it brought us back to a recurring theme here on The Purina Animal Advice Show; THE IMPORTANCE OF PREVENTATIVE CARE!!!  If you have your cat screened on an annual (maybe even twice yearly if they are over 10) basis with these tests, you are likely to pick up hyperthyroidism and many other ailments in their early stages.  And diagnosing any disease early ALWAYS leads to a more favorable prognosis. 

We also discussed that it is very common to see Kidney Disease concurrently with Hyperthyroidism.   The take home message here was that often times a more permanent treatment option (i.e. surgery or Radioactive Iodine therapy) may not be ideal for these patients because we may need to STRADDLE THE FENCE (yes, she did it again….).  This means that on occasion we may adjust the thyroid medication such that the thyroid level is slightly high, which will keep the kidneys functioning at a higher level.
PERFECT PLETZ TRIVIA TIME!!!!                                                                                                             New word today:  Polydactyl – as pertains to cats, it means to have extra toes.  Dr. Pletz wanted to know, “What famous author is most often associated with polydactyl cats?”  Hint:  His home is now a museum that houses around 50 cats, about half of whom are polydactyl.                                                        ANSWER:  Ernest Hemingway

Track 1:  Howl by FLORENCE AND THE MACHINE (Dr. Pletz seems to be approaching Hipperson Pearl Jam Mania level with Florence and the Machine, just sayin’)           
Track 2: You Don’t Own the Road by THE KILLS (Very cool track from their latest album Blood Pressures)                                                                                                 
Track 3:  Jawbreaker by THE DEAD WEATHER (Good Stuff!  Alison Mosshart provides the vocals for both THE DEAD WEATHER and THE KILLS. )                             

Sunday, May 22, 2011

2 FOR 1

I’m Joe Hipperson, your host and blog-writer—stoked as always to fill you in on what you may have missed while we made radio history on the BIG 550 KTRS AM, Saturdays at 9AM.

I’ve got the last two shows summed up and ready to go…so let’s start out with the show from 05/14/11.  That’s when Dr. Cloud (AKA – THE MAN FROM ST. ANN) came through with a topic about CATS.  Yes, Cats.   True, I firmly believe they have the eyes of snakes—but there are some of you out there who love them.  And some love cats so much that they take out insurance for when their cats need extra special care.
So Dr. Cloud hooked us up with the TOP 10 CLAIMS made to PET INSURANCE for CAT OWNERS!
Here we go:
10     Upper Respiratory Infections
9      Ear Infections
8      Allergic Reactions
7      Dental Issues
6      Skin Infections
5      Diarrhea – yes, I’m serious.
4      Diabetes
3      Hyper Thyroid
2      Gastric Vomiting
1      Lower Urinary Infections

THE MAN FROM ST. ANN also told us that the MAJOR DIFFERENCE between MALE & FEMALE CATS is Urinary Issues.  If a cat has a urinary issue – 9 times out of 10 – it’s a male cat. 
SOUNDTRACK: The soundtrack for the morning was brought to you by a combo of me and Led Zeppelin.  (nothing musical on my end—I just chose LZ to give me a jolt in the morning and it really worked to hear “When The Levee Breaks”)
This most recent Saturday we had The PERFECT Dr. Laura Pletz and she brought us the EVER ENGAGING WORLD OF EARS!

From the DESK of the PERFECT PLETZ:
Why do dogs get ear infections?

Allergies, Allergies, Allergies....

1) Atopic Dermatitis
2) Food Allergy
3) Flea Allergy

Some endocrine disorders such as Hypothyroidism and Hyperadrenocorticism can also be the source of a dog's chronic ear infections.

Bottom Line:  Chronic Ear Infections ALWAYS have an underlying cause. 

Things to do at home to help with prevention ultimately depend on the underlying cause.  A few examples that apply to most patients:

1)  Routine cleaning with a cleaner recommended by your Veterinarian.
2)  Essential Fatty Acid Supplments
3)  Antihistmamines
We had a listener e-mail us and request the soundtrack.  LESLIE is the one responsible for us playing music by THE FRATELLIS!  (great name)
TRACK 1:   Chelsea Dagger
TRACK 2:   Henrietta
TRACK 3:   Flathead

Saturday, May 7, 2011

NO B.S. ON THE B.D. (lame attempt to be funny about Bulldogs)

Welcome to the latest installment of the Purina Animal Advice Show Blog!  I’ll go ahead and change up the writing style and destroy any illusions – I’m Joe Hipperson and yes, I am the writer of the blog.

Today’s show welcomed back The Perfect Dr. Laura Pletz from her trip to the Big Apple (That’s New York City, kids) and with her return she brought in a ‘soundtrack’ from the show that was totally inspired by the trip.

More on the soundtrack later…let’s get to the TOPIC OF TODAY’S SHOW:

Smooshed in Face Syndrome.  Ok, that’s not the official term—and we’ll get to official term soon—but we’re talking about dogs that look like they went head first into a wall at 88 miles per hour.  The biggest culprits?  Bulldogs.

The topic was inspired by the Perfect Neighbors of Dr. Pletz.  They have two bulldogs.  The first is named FRANK THE TANK…and the newest addition is BEANIE.  Yes, this means they are referred to as “FRANK & BEANS.”

When it comes to dogs that have a smooshed in face you need to kep the in-between of the folds DRY!  2-3 times a week, in fact, is what Dr. Pletz recommended. 

Dogs with this facial set-up are more prone to Eye issues and breathing difficulties.  (If only the Lovely Dr. Carolyn Gilje had been there—we would have had a brilliant impression of the “the reverse sneeze)

Breathing is tough due to their soft pallet being too long—it results in effecting the Stanodic Naries.  THE STANODIC NARIES is a GREAT NAME for a Band, by the way…I’m just sayin.  I'm a genius.  Just look at me.

Eye issues that can be bothersome and result in pretty serious repercussions.  For example, The eyes ‘bug’ out on these smooshed in faced animals and that keeps the eyelids from shutting all the way.  This leaves the eyes dried out, irritated, causes corneal injuries and the eyelids roll in—which allows the eye lashes to rub the surface of the eye itself.


Sue called in about her cat (7 years old) having severe vomiting issues.  Hairballs were ruled out.  Food was removed and vomiting stopped.  But since the cat has to eat—no food is no option.  The cat is now ‘standing up’ when nature calls for a #2.  Dr. Pletz asked the ‘perfect’ question: What kind of vomit type is she seeing?  (gross…sorry, but seriously)  Sue explained that te vomit was brown and almost stacked in piles.  (yep, still gross)  Dr. Pletz believe there may be an underlying issue related to the thyroid.  She advised Sue to get that checked out to see if it will “RIGHT THE SHIP.”

NOTE: “RIGHT THE SHIP” is a new expression we learned today.

Doreen called in about the pets of her and her daughter.  1 is a pug and the other is a Boston Terrier pug. (nicknamed BUG)  There is a very big barking issue with these dogs.  Dr. Pletz inquired about a barking collar and Doreen explained that they have tried that with no success—so Dr. Pletz stacked another card on the deck and told her to try the collar FIRST with a TRAINER.  Of course, no better trainer came to mind than Matt Coke at Kennlwood.  (right next door to the Barrett Station Vet Clinic at Manchester & Mason.

Track 1: Nail In My Coffin by THE KILLS.  (Great song, awesome vibe, cool vocal—very HIPP)
Track 2:    Slow Ride by FOGHAT.  (No joke…while in NYC, Dr. Pletz decided to buy bell-bottoms and now that song is playing in her head anytime she struts the new look)
Track 3:    Shake Your Rump by THE BEASTIE BOYS. (Very cool pick off of one of the groups greatest records)

What branch of the US Military have an English Bulldog as their mascot?
ANSWER: The Marines!
Side-note: The original mascot was named JIGGS.  Upon hearing this I immediately stated how much I would love to have a dog named RIGGS…and I’d always call for him using my best Danny Glover impression.  “HEY RIGGS!” 


Brachycephalic Airway Syndrome
This syndrome consists of one or more of the following conditions:
1) Stenotic Nares
2) Elongated Soft Palate
3) Everted Laryngeal Saccules

What to Watch For:
-very noisy breathing/snoring
-exercise intolerance
-cyanosis (gums look blue) with exertion


What Can you Do?
- surgery can be done if severely affected
- healthy body weight very important for minimizing symptoms
- avoid collars and use a harness instead
- be very cautious with intense physical activity (these dogs are not athletes)
- avoid excessive time spent outside when it is hot and humid

Eye Problems

Eyes are very prominent so they can be prone to ocular injuries.

Often their eyelids do not close all the way and this leads to dryness and irritation of the cornea.

Bulldogs especially are prone to something called Entropion.  This is a condition where the eyelids roll inward and the eyelashes irritate the surface of the eye.  Surgery is the treatment of choice to correct this problem.

Skin Problems

Facial Fold Dermatits
- often exacerbated by excessive tearing caused by previously mentioned issues
- routine cleaning is very helpful for prevention of infection
- surgery can be done if severely affected

- abnormality in which the tail is formed in such a manner that it creates numerous folds  
  and crevices that can easily become infected
- surgery is indicated in many cases

Saturday, April 30, 2011

RECAP OF OUR 7-30-2011 SHOW!

With the ‘Perfect’ Dr. Laura Pletz up in the Big Apple, today’s show featured The Man From St. Ann, DOCTOR CLOUD!

Before Joe Hipperson was able to even get 30 seconds into the show—The Man From St. Ann had to hijack the microphone and make sure he announced why today, April 30th, was an event much bigger than any silly Royal Wedding…turns out that today is when CATFISH makes his first Communion.  (no, Dr. Cloud is not sending any pet fish to church—‘Catfish’ is a nickname he gave his grandson)

After the Catfish announcement, Joe and Dr. Cloud discussed the weather.  (no, it was not as boring as the statement sounds)  With all the crazy storms we’ve had lately it is very important to REMEMBER and NOT FORGET about your pets!  When you decide to hit the basement and take cover—don’t forget the four-legged friends!

Dr. Cloud pointed out the (GPS) micro-chipping your pet is essential.  Not only is it a very smart move to prevent losing your 4-pawed pal if they dart out the door and decide not to run back, but if a very bad storm causes any separation—think how easy it will be to locate them afterward.

Before we could expand on the topic Dr. Cloud started 2 weeks ago – we decided to jump and grab a phone call.

“Guy” called up (seriously, that’s his name) and wanted to know if it’s normal/natural for a rescue cat to go into heat almost every 2 weeks.  The Man From St. Ann made it simple for ‘Guy,’ and said that a cat NOT spayed will be a cat that gets pregnant.  Bottom line—SPAY!

2 weeks ago, Dr. Cloud came in with the top 10 ‘pet insurance claims’ from 2010.  We got through 10 down to number 5.  So we picked up with NUMBER 4 today.

Number 4 = Vomiting.  Yes, gross.  Very gross.  90% of the time you will see acute vomiting come from dogs who eat things they simply shouldn’t.  Now I’ve got 2 kids (11 & 5 years old) and I know ALL ABOUT how easily dogs can get into objects that cause vomiting.  The other 10% of vomiting cases com as a result of reaction to medications.

We took a call from Mary Lee.  She had an obedience / training issue with a 2 year old Pug – Shitzu mix.  The dog is perfect in the house and around the other dog they have…but the second it goes outside—WATCH OUT!  A mean gene kicks in.  Dr. Cloud suggested a behaviorist.  Joe Hipperson chimed in with doing some ‘command exercises’ in the house, before the dog turns into The Incredible Hulk. 
A great place for training?  Kennelwood.  Just sayin.  They’re amazing.

We took a call from Marlene.  She has 2 cats.  One is heavy—the other is not.  She wanted to work on weight control with them.  Dr. Cloud suggested the Purina OM food—you will need your vet to hook you up—and said she needs to feed them separately.  She had reservations about that idea, until Dr. Cloud proved why he is The Man From St. Ann—and he suggested feeding them at the same time and next to a door that separates the two rooms they are in.  Crack the door enough so they can see each other.


The number 3 reason people used Pet Insurance in 2010…HOT SPOTS!  (no, we are not talking about cool places to go around town—we’re talking about serious pet stuff here)
(YES, Joe is writing the blog—and YES, he thought that was funny)
HOT SPOTS are often found around the neck and hip.  The dogs are missing hair in these areas and 99 times out of 100 the reason is from Allergy/Environmental culprits.  Dogs with thicker undercoats are more likely to fall victim to these.

The number 2 reason—SKIN ALLERGIES!  Fleas and other things (that are gross) that cause your dog to itch, scratch and drive YOU nuts because they are driving themselves nuts. 

Today, Dr. Cloud asked: What is the PURE BREED dog of choice for Queen Elizabeth? 
Joe Hipperson thinks the answer SHOULD BE the Maltese!

Yep…deal with it, Mum.

The REAL ANSWER is the Welch Corgi!

And those would be some of the Royal Corgs.

The number 1 reason for people to call a claim into Pet Insurance is 2010 was…(drum roll please)
Yes, gross…and (for Mrs. Hipperson—VERY GROSS…especially when ear mites are involved)

Before we split, let’s share the SOUNDTRACK of today’s show!

Joe Hipperson (that’s me…the guy writing this blog) provided the soundtrack today.  My theme?  SONGS THAT YOU KNOW AS CLASSIC BY THE ORIGINAL ARTIST – AND THESE ARE VERSIONS YOU’VE PROBABLY NEVER HEARD BEFORE!

Track 1:            RED RUBBER BALL by Streetlight Manifesto

Track 2:            PARANOID by Gus Black

Track 3:            TINY DANCER by Ben Folds

All three very different and unique from each other and all very cool interpretations in their own right. 

Be sure to tune in next week and EVERY WEEK from 9am – 10am.  The Purina Animal Advice Show, Hosted by ME, JOE HIPPERSON,

and featuring THE MAN FROM ST. ANN DR. CLOUD


Saturday, April 23, 2011


Thank you very much for stopping by to check out the OFFICIAL ANIMAL ADVICE SHOW BLOG!

Our hope is to be able to provide you with a basic recap of each and every show we do.  Eventually, our goal is to have a bio section for all the players on the show.  So check in and you'll get to know more about THE MAN FROM ST. ANN (Doctor Cloud), THE PERFECT DR. LAURA PLETZ, and yes, even Joe Hipperson.

TODAY'S SHOW 04/23/2011

Dr. Laura Pletz decided to educate us on the world of HEARTWORMS!  Yes, very gross--but VERY SERIOUS!

Prevention is KEY.  The PERFECT Dr. Laura Pletz told us to you use your VET as the "source" to obtain Heartworm preventative medication medication for your pet.  Reasoning is simple--if something goes wrong with the medication you choose then you can always go right back tot the source.  Dr. Pletz used her PERFECT analogy gift and said that "Shopping on-line for medication vs going to your vet is like going to a Walmart vs a 'mom & pop' type store."


Chronic Cough and Lethargic behavior are the two Heartworm symptoms most common to look for in DOGS...and in CATS the most common is vomiting.

Want to know about the LIFE CYCLE of the heart worm?  I'll bet you do!  Here, check this out:

Because the vet this week was THE PERFECT DR. LAURA PLETZ she decided to make the question all about her...and since she's about to take a trip to the 'Big Apple,' she asked: WHAT IS THE MOST POPULAR BREED OF DOG IN NEW YORK CITY?


After this was finally guessed RIGHT from our listeners Joe begged Dr. Pletz to not come back from New York looking like Miranda on "Sex & The City."  He then tried to debate, with himself, on whether he was more like Aidan or Mr. Big.  Yes, he was talking to himself...and yes, he thinks he's more like MR. BIG.

THE SOUNDTRACK TO THE SHOW WAS PUT TOGETHER BY THE PERFECT DR. LAURA PLETZ.  She said there was no real theme to the music selected...these are just songs that she's been spinning a lot lately and wanted to share...maybe you heard a riff and wanted to add it to your library...HERE ARE THE TRACKS YOU HEARD:

(Thumbs up from Joe Hipperson)

(Approved by Joe Hipperson...but if you really want to hear some great Adele, check out her wicked cover of "Love Song")

(Without getting too 'weird,' Joe Hipperson says that this song has a wild, erotic jungle vibe going on.  Even Joe has no idea what that means...but it's worth checking out)

Transmission of Disease
- mosquito ingests heartworm larvae in blood from infected dog
- mosquito then infects new dog with later larval stage
- larvae begin to progress toward becoming adult heartworms once dog is infected
- important to note that monthly preventatives work by clearning out the larval stages the dog was infected with the previous month
- this is why it is so important to be consistent with monthly dosing
Severity of Disease
- can be very serious
- problems arise from the inflammatory response to the parasite as well as the strain on the cardiovascular system
- can be treated but treatment is costly and there can be adverse reactions to the treatment
- treatment requires serious activity restriction for 1-2 months, depending on severity of disease, and this is very stressful for the dog and the owners
- cats do get heartworm disease, however not as common
- difficult to diagnose in cats and it is NOT treatable

For additional info on heart worms you can check out these sites:

So there you go...this blog is going to be a lot like the band PEARL JAM--it'll always be evolving and growing closer and closer to perfection with each new entry.  (by now it should be VERY obvious that Joe Hipperson is the author of this blog)